Monday, November 26, 2012

Let's try this whole blog thing ONE more time...

Don't say it. I know I have attempted this before... multiple times actually... but now seems like the perfect time to try yet again! I am about to start my last semester at BYU (woot woot!) and I like to think that I may have more time to document our lives once I am a stay at home mom. I hope that will be the case! There is so much going on in our lives right now: huge decisions, big changes, exciting new chapters in our life to look forward to soon! I keep getting the prompting that I really need to be writing all of this down. I want to be able to look back on my life and not forget the little details. I want to be able to read about my past in order to more fully remember. But even more, I want our kids to have a way of getting to know who their parents are and where they came from. So... please just bear with me as I begin this blog...again. I really, really, REALLY am going to try and make this a priority.

Another very important reason why I am doing this is because, as many of you know, Bryant and I are expecting our first child in May 2013! That's only 6 months away!! Crazy, crazy, crazy. It still sometimes seems like I am talking about someone else when I talk about our baby. Like... maybe I'm just getting fat? And maybe I just don't like onion anymore? And, those ultrasound pictures?? Oh, they are from someone ELSE's belly of course! Couldn't possibly be me! :) Seriously though, it is such a foreign concept to me. I can't wait for the reality to sink in! Hopefully when it does it won't make me scared out of my mind :) For now, I am just SOOO excited!!

I really want to be able to document my pregnancy on here and my busy, fun, exciting life with Bryant as we finish up this College stage of our life together. Then, once Baby Giles it born, I want to be able to post pictures and fun moments and stories so that my family and friends from all over the US can be involved in our lives :)

Alrighty then. Let's get this blog started!

Aly :)

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